Jan 30, 2015


Hello there....

S L E E P......

"a condition of body and mind such as that which typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is relatively inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended "

That was the definision for sleep....

But as we all sleep .... will just put on some thoughts why we sleep?

We are exhausted

                                 we are tired

We need some rest

                               we need a break


Because we are LAZY 

Any ways we all need sleep... because without sleep our body will not functioning properly....

The main thing is......

When we sleep,

Sometimes we think that we are sleeping but still our mind worked...
So at that time we are very tired after the sleep even

But if you get a good sleep it will be like you are born again soooooooo Fresh mind 

Dec 27, 2014

Art of the Heart

Howdy ......


What do you all think of this ....

We draw arts, we make pictures..... but there is a hidden art of each and every thing......

Just look in to two famous persons drawings and have a deep look. You will realize there is uniqueness in each person....
That is the art of the heart

You may think now... Oh this is only for the people who can draw or paint .....


Sometimes you may not be able to draw even a proper strait line, but inside your heart there is a rhythm that know one can see that even you can make it into a paint or drawing ......

But still you can see it from your heart... you can dream it from your mind......

Thats the life thats the learning of living......

Wishing you all to have a wonderful heart filled with ART !

Dec 13, 2014

Wishing Wonder

Wishing wonder.....
Letting me feel better....
Catching harder
Putting me so dam...

Everyone wish new tings in there life, but in perfect way. But I cannot believe this why we do need to be satisfied with what we have. Ha ha haa including me too. When I get one thing I want snother things too. How can we satisfy ourselves.

Can anyone give answer to this. Can anyone say No we do not need more. This is enough what we have and we are happy. No I do not thing so........

But thinking all of these I just want to share one thing more with my dearies. That is just close your eyes, listen to your heart beat. You will feel the relaxation you have never feel.

Try with one minute. Then you will do it ..... again and again......

Be satisfy with your heart beat !

Aug 15, 2014

The Mistake You Made

The Mistake you ever made.

 "an act or judgement that is misguided or wrong"

We do Mistakes in different ways. In our life. In our exam papers. in social. Every where.

BUT....... This MISTAKE takes two different phases; It means;

  • Purposely Do mistakes
  • With absent mind you Do mistakes

So I just gave you the basic idea about mistakes. And you do know what it is. But for better understand and to heal it to your mind. I would like to get some quotes from the web.

Aug 10, 2014

Long time No see

Hi all.....

I was just kept quit for some time to see whether you people are missing my article. Ha ha ha what an idiotic thought. By the way Truth is I was searching a good way to improve my general knowledge and the update with social life. Soooooo

What do you think?

Whats the best way to update in every ways in our life.

Yeah.... You got it good one....

Its News

Dharah..... NEWS

Hmm good question. How can we find a good app to read all news even entire world news. Very simple. I'm here to tell you that secrete.

Just go to Google app and type "NewsMute" you will get a amazing app. It gives you most of the languages with all the country news updates. Not only that you can remove I mean hide unwanted news too.

Hope you all will enjoy with that and share it with everyone to see how it helps to your life.

Jul 29, 2014

First Experience In My Life


What a grate day today. I have never thought that I will be able to make an article in my life for someone else. Ha ha ha. Have you ever feel such a idea in your life.

Have you ever been tying to find new things in your life. I am pretty sure if your a inventor or seeker, you will definitely follow me and and try to guide me in different ways. By looking an article or just commenting will not give a smile at their lives. So be good for all. try to realize how others are feeling.

Jul 22, 2014


Hello there..........

Today's topic is bit challenging for you. I mean for you readers of this article. Yea good imagination. What this blogger going to talk. Its growing. Why it will be shocking or challenging for you all.

I will explain you why?
It because of the varieties of growing. Lets be clarify what are the ways of growing. Now do not get mad what I am listing.

  • Tree
  • Height 
  • Infant
  • Bank account
  • Your knowledge

  • Your age
  • Loan interest
  • Penalties
  • Your utility bills
  • Your weight

So now I guess you got the idea. I'm pretty sure. When you see the heading you just thought of the best part of the word, Yea that's good  being optimistic. But we must see after every sun rise there is a dawn that we must accept.

Let's Think and Learn all possible ways that we can grow our knowledge without harming any one.